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September 21 2015 1 21 /09 /September /2015 20:02

"Of all the Arts the one most to be recommended to the young beginner is literature. Painting is messy, music is noisy; and the applied arts and crafts all require a certain amount of skill. But writing is clean, quiet, and can be done anywhere at any time by anyone." - Evelyn Waugh, Essays.

Clearly I like to write. Over the years I have written several speeches for public speaking competitions, I wrote regular newspaper columns, a couple of plays, messages for Church bulletins, sermons and dozens of skits for public performance. Acting is my largest passion but writing runs a very close second.

When I am angry it is really best for everyone involved especially me to get away, sit and write out my feelings and response. I wear my heart on my sleeve and in the past I have been known to blurt out my anger without thinking through what I am saying. The mouth goes into gear before the brain and I have been known to say things that I regretted later. If I take time to think things through on paper the outcome is always better.

I am sure in this day and age that everyone has pressed "send" on an angry e-mail or know someone who has with disastrous results. For me I have found that writing things out on paper the old fashioned way allows me a "cooling" down period.

As far as writing to entertain others or to teach others I have a couple of projects in mind. One is for people in business and I would like to write a novel about my Dad and our family.

My family is artistic. I'm an actor and writer, my wife is a visual artist and photographer, our oldest son is a musician. My Dad and Mom are very musical. My point is that I actually love several art forms and can't really imagine life with out art.

Journaling is a great way to start writing. My form of journaling is blogging. I believe I have written close to five hundred articles for this blog on a wide range of topics. I have received about seven thousand visitors who have read a combined total of approximately ten thousand "views".

I appreciate you reading and offering comments.

Keep on writing!

Ken Durocher

21 Sept 2015

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  • : kendurocher-ramblingsandstuff'
  • : A 60 year old man still with a sense of humour that doesn't take himself too seriously. Loves to entertain. Lifelong actor. Former broadcaster. Loves to travel.
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