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October 14 2017 6 14 /10 /October /2017 14:29

"I need my beauty sleep."   "That's for sure."

Sometimes sleep is simply elusive.  You can't quiet your mind.  Life's trials are wearing you down and your worrying is keeping you awake,.  Maybe a full moon keeps you awake. Perhaps you suffer from a sleep disorder of some kind.

I can always tell when I'm not getting enough sleep because I stop dreaming.  I don't know if this is common or not.  When I am well rested and sleeping well my dream life is extremely active and sometimes wonky.

The importance of getting plenty of good old REM sleep cannot be over rated.  Folks that get plenty of sleep seem to be able to deal with stressful situations better than those that do not.  They seem to be able to meet problems head on and are more able to solve problems and resolve issues.

My wife was told that she should not wake up grumpy.  She responded, ``Ì don`t, I let him sleep as much as he wants.``   She is so kind to me!

I have always been able to sleep or nap anywhere, any time. When I was in the Army and we got a fifteen minute break on a route march, I would take off my beret, loosen my boot laces and sleep for ten minutes.  Then I would wake up, lace up my boots, square off my beret and I was ready to soldier on.  I slept more than once on a pile of kit in the back of a C-130 Hercules aircraft.  Its kind of a gift really.

My wife has commented that I sleep through storms, railway trains passing by and the TV blaring.  I guess that I`m just at peace with things.

Anyway, I hope you get enough sleep.

Ken Durocher

14 October 2017.

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  • : kendurocher-ramblingsandstuff'
  • : A 60 year old man still with a sense of humour that doesn't take himself too seriously. Loves to entertain. Lifelong actor. Former broadcaster. Loves to travel.
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