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January 5 2016 2 05 /01 /January /2016 09:06

There are far too many people that are ready and willing to tear others down. I know a few people that always make a disparaging comment when you compliment someone else. I don't get it. What do you have to gain by saying terrible things about someone else.

I have seen some very good people just give up and walk away from a job or relationship because there is little or no appreciation for what they do. I also see many people "looking down their noses" at people who are performing a task that they consider beneath them. If the job needs to be done, then it's an important job, and the person doing it is important.

I remember taking the time to tell a man that he was doing a great job. He broke down and started to cry. He told me that no one had ever told him he was doing a good job! He was told nothing about his performance. How sad is that?

Occasionally, I will compliment someone about a talent they have and then had others deflate the compliment by saying something like, "Well they're not that good." Wow. I know its a cliché but I think we need to use our mother's advice. "If you can't say something nice, say nothing."

I believe the world would be a much better place if we spent more time encouraging others in their work, their talents and their passions.

Ken Durocher

5 Jan 2016

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  • : A 60 year old man still with a sense of humour that doesn't take himself too seriously. Loves to entertain. Lifelong actor. Former broadcaster. Loves to travel.
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