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October 31 2016 1 31 /10 /October /2016 07:29

     Time passes quickly.  Are we headed in the direction we want to be headed in?  Have you been able to check anything off of your "Bucket List?"  In our busy lives how can we know the answers to these questions if we don't occasionally stop and review.

     I am guilty of not taking enough time to see if I am accomplishing my goals.  I tend to feel like I am "getting nowhere fast."  Busyness can hide the fact that you are not achieving milestones that you have set yourself.

    It may seem counter intuitive but we really need to stop once in a while.  Check to see if we're just spinning our wheels or gaining traction.  For medical reasons I have been forced to stop recently and make some evaluations of my life.

    For a while it has seemed to me that I work, sleep and pay bills.  I genuinely believe that none of us is only put on the planet just to pay bills.  I have many interests but I tend to focus on one thing at a time to the exclusion of the other things in my life.

    There really needs to be balance in our lives.  We need to look after our spiritual selves, our physical selves and we need to put time into relationships.  Those relationships include our life partners and friends and family.

     How do we know if we are achieving balance when we don't slow down often enough to stop and check?

     I am in the review process now and I am making some changes.  I will try to implement these changes and try to move beyond just a "To Do" list.

Ken Durocher

31 October 2016

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  • : A 60 year old man still with a sense of humour that doesn't take himself too seriously. Loves to entertain. Lifelong actor. Former broadcaster. Loves to travel.
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