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September 19 2015 6 19 /09 /September /2015 20:26

"We lose half the pleasure we might have in life, by not really attending."

 Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno

     The problem with a lot of people is that when opportunity knocks they're out in the back yard looking for a four leaf clover!  I don't believe in luck, I think you make your own luck.  I have heard successful people say things like, "It took me ten years to become an 'overnight' success."  The point is that hard work will bring the "luck" you are looking for.

    When you are working towards your goal you need to operate in the now.  Many people spend way too much time in the past bemoaning their mistakes and failures.  A mistake is only a failure if you don't learn anything from it.  The second time you make a mistake, it is not a mistake, it is a choice.

   Other then planning for the future their is no point looking forward to what "could go wrong."  If you are worried about things going awry then you speak or think it into existense.  It becomes a self fullfilling prophesy so to speak.

     Have some faith that things are unfolding for you as they should and don't worry so much about yesterday or tommorow for that matter.  Just live in the moment and focus on making today a great day.  It is important that every step towards a goal is cherished as today's success.

    Celebrate todays success.  Spend time with friends and loved ones and breath a little. 

Ken Durocher

19 Sept 2015


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  • : A 60 year old man still with a sense of humour that doesn't take himself too seriously. Loves to entertain. Lifelong actor. Former broadcaster. Loves to travel.
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